Monday, February 18, 2008

Whew! It has been busy around our house! I keep meaning to post more in depth but something keeps coming up that I need to tend to.

About the chewing of bones, Henry is handling that just fine, and it turns out he does not need his meat ground. It's actually a blessing that the meat grinder broke cause that forced me to find out Henry could handle the bones after all, and Henry will get more taurine this way which is good for epilepsy. But unfortunately, Riley who is 13 and has eaten kibble his whole life (kibble is bad for teeth) simply is not able to chew the bones without difficulty and much assistance from me. Today I ground up his meat in the food processor, but that really pulverized the meat to a baby food texture almost. I worry this reduces the good stuff in there.

My plan is tomorrow morning to only grind bones in the food processor, and then serve the meat in cube size pieces. This is rather time consuming as I figure this all out. But I will figure out a better system, and I will be sure to share with you all what I end up doing.

Right now some options I am considering are:

  • Getting a manual meat grinder for only $40.00. Meat grinders don't pulverize the meat like food processors do. I can't afford an all steel electric grinder right now.
  • ordering ground turkey/chicken necks from Oma's pride, and then adding them to boneless meat.
  • My least favorite option is buy pre-made ground BARF patties from the pet store. This is the most processed and most costly option, but it is also the easiest.
  • Stanislaw left a comment suggesting I marinate in apple cider to soften the bones. I am worried that the vinegar may eat up the good amino acids and stuff?

Meanwhile, we haven't gone beyond chicken yet, as chicken has the softest bones, and I dont think my food processor can handle harder bones. I think I will have to mix chicken bones ground in food processor and then add it to another kind of meat so Riley can have some variety. Stanislaw from I Eat Raw Meat has been posting their menu, so I think I will go over there and take a look at what is on their menu for some ideas. =)


Stanislaw said...

I'm back with more links for you~
We've joined a co-op for buying raw in our area. It makes it much more economical! Here's a link of raw feeder co-ops, hopefully you'll find one that's local.


Cherish the Home said...

I'm so glad you're keeping track of this on your blog....It's something I'm very interested in.

I would have to find something besides chicken for Caleb since he seems to have food allergies to poultry. Hmmm..Right now he eats a dry food that's made from fish and potato and has no preservatives in it. It's NOT cheap though!

Please keep us posted on how this ends up working out for you. (o:


Emily said...

Stanislaw, thank you for the link! =)
Mrs. B, There's a link in my sidebar where you can get all kinds of meat such as rabbit and goat. Stanislaw's blog also has some excellent links in his sidebar for mail order meat sources. I hear rabbit is a good starter meat because it is low fat. I am finding this to be cheaper than I thought it would be, but also alot more work than I thought it would be. As I figure out a better system, it will be alot less work. =)

Emily said...

Here is the link Mrs.B: